Internet Security Privacy Policy

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Computer security and other

Computer security has an important role in one's life of computers. This subject should not be taken lightly. Everytime you go online your system is tested. Below I have given you some good tips for your computer life. 1. New Computer When buying a new computer, it is important for you to turn the firewall on. The firewall will not protect you all the way but somewhat. Its better than nothing. 2. Email Attachments in unknown emails are usually a threat. Never open any attachment from an unknown email. Sometimes, the email subject said something about you getting a greeting card and ask you to click the link inside that email. These emails can contain anything from viruses or spyware. If the link inside that email is something like an ip address (http://aaa.bbb.x.y/) instead of a domain name, never click it. 3. Update Your Virus Definition Installing an antivirus will not be enough. Constant update is needed so you can receive new virus definition. New threats are being created everyday and updating your virus definition on regular basis is crucial to detect newer threats. 4. Don't Surf Suspicious Sites Opening a porn site will also increase your risk of getting a virus. Application such as cracks and patches from sites will also increase your risk. Using these tips will decrease the risk of getting your private information stolen by an outsider. However, these tips are not enough to protect your computer as this is only a basic computer security tips. Learn more.

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